Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The only thing certain is death and taxes.......

You learn a lot from kids. I have two, so that means I learn twice as much...or twice as fast as people without kids. It's an eye opening experience to raise a child. You get to see everything again for the first time. Look daddy! It's a pretty cloud (tree, bird, rock, piece of chewed gum). All the things we have become desensitized to. The amazing things we don't pay attention to anymore. You get to relive all those first childhood experiences. Swinging at the playground, going to your first movie, learning how to ride a bike. Think of everything (you've done, seen, smelled, tasted, etc) in your life, and at one time or another it was your first time.

This not only including the fun stuff, but errrr....strange first times as well. Take for instance, going to the funeral home. Now all cultures have different last rites for the dearly departed. Here in the deep south, once someone has "passed", the norm is for a visitation time (with our dearly departed on prominent display), followed by a grave side service the next day.

We had a death in our extended family. As we prepared to go, Sunshine (our 3 yr. old daughter) couldn't grasp the concept of death. My son, Bug (5 yr. old) tried to explain that our uncle was dead like Granddaddy. Sunshine gleefully replied,"Yeah! we're going to the funeral home to see uncle and Granddaddy! I love old people!" So I took my shot, trying to explain that it was like they were asleep, but never going to wake up. It was just his body laying there, that he was really gone. She looked at me with a puzzled look and said, "He's not going to have on clothes?" I reassured that he would.

After waiting to pay our respects, we finally moved by the coffin. I could see the wheels turning. Sunshine leaned over and whispered, "See I told you he'd have clothes on." Much to the bewilderment of the deceased daughter-in-law who was standing near by.

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